Jalene Case

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Finding where the rubber meets the road

We’ve been talking about how you can connect with your vision for what you WANT in your future, plus how to create a Vision Board to supercharge your vision.

Now, we’re going to explore the spot where “the rubber meets the road!” I interpret this as the spot where your vision meets reality.

I love envisioning my future, imagining all the possibilities, ideas, and scenarios. However, if I don’t take steps toward my visions, they remain picture-perfect-images protected in my mind. Can you relate?

Shifting to “where your vision meets reality” means connecting actions—baby steps and/or big leaps—toward making that vision come alive in your real world. 

Notice what you’re thinking and feeling after reading that last sentence. 

Are you thinking something like: 

I’ll do that later.

I don’t need to do that.

That sounds like a lot of work! 

Are you feeling the grip of fear? 

It’s okay. It’s a normal response. 

That’s the internal saboteur voice that has evolved to keep us safely inside our comfort zone because taking risks might cause death. 

Except nowadays, stepping outside our comfort zone doesn’t mean we might be eaten by a saber-toothed tiger. 

I’ll share more on this tricky saboteur voice later. For now, simply notice it and know you’re not alone. I want you to step OUT of your comfort zone because that’s where growth and magic happens.

To better connect your vision to actions, try this -

  1. Write a sentence for 1 to 3 visions for each of the following time periods: 30 days, 90 days, 12 months, 5 years, and 10 years.

  2. Next, write 1 action for each vision. No action is too small although sometimes they can be too overwhelmingly big and if so, tend to never get done.

  3. Then, read what you wrote at least monthly and update as you wish.

This stuff isn’t easy, and yet, I know you know it’s worth it. Be brave and bold and go for it!