Jalene Case Jalene Case

Tap into your motivation mojo!💥

You likely hear the words “leadership development” often, but do you hear much about “self-leadership?”

Probably not, which is too bad, because it’s a game-changer.


Because when you lead yourself better, you can lead others better.

My question for you is this: How do you motivate yourself? 

By capturing how you like to be motivated, you give yourself a personal, go-to resource to tap into when you really need it. 

If you need some help finding your motivation mojo, here are a few questions to get you started. 

  • What do you wish someone else would tell you when you’re having a tough day at work? (I call these Love Notes to Self!)

  • What do you tend to say or do for a colleague when you can see them feeling low?

  • Right now in your life, what’s inspiring you? Perhaps a quote you heard recently or a reminder of your larger vision.

  • What might you do to shift your energy from lethargic & stuck to energized & flowing?

Capture your answers to these questions. Start small. A few go-to phrases can do wonders.

Then, put your answers somewhere you can easily find them when you need them. Think: oxygen mask on the airplane.

Here’s to finding your mojo!

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